If God could help,
I would pray
to calm my
pounding heart
of imaginations and fantasy,
Wild and romantic
dreams,they promise
love of a figure
of mystic charm
and sophisticated
Like orange in the mist,
colours of life
appear and fade fast
ofcourse, dreams they are
cunning enough-
to ring, shrink and vanish
before one can think,
gape and wonder
at the beauty of
such insane dreams.
Dreams, like
delicate classics to be
handled with care;
like dew drops shimmering,
shining on a nurtured leaf;
of rainbow colours
and abstract shapes
easy to limp at,
hard to decipher.
At times, like a
shuffled puzzle,
or a complex maze
they lure us to reckon
and make
a picture out of
the bijou pieces-
But how could one
be foolish enough
to ever let reason
the beauty of such mazes
unsolved spoil.
Like red wine and joy,
intoxicating they are;
of girls, cars and kisses,
fright, ghosts and chases;
songs and sex
actors and old friends,
exam scares and killing edges,
pets you never had,
acts you never dared,
past girlfriends and future lives-
-rare they are.
And of, blue, red,
black and white
chrome bright or carbon black,
kaleidoscopic jumbles
of things in life,
and of all things
I wouldn't
remember much.
They may drive you
crazy at times,
but I said-
'to be handled with care'
like glass warriors with sharp blades
coz dreams can
make you things achieve
dreams can
help you moments relive
lose a fortune
or gain a life ;
in grief be your solace
and your partner at gay.
But dreams are not
like 'pill at your will'
random creations-
they come afresh
sprinkle life into
cold hearts and stuffed brains
leave you craving
for 'nother one
to rain..
"Hold them fast , lest they fly away,
coz when dreams die....
we're just slaves of a despotic destiny...." - Priyabrata
early hours of Sat..I sat down to study for my vivas...I realized my mind was wandering elsewhere and I started scribbling about my dreams. As mentioned above, I always had weird dreams that made me wonder about them when I woke up and smile at their insanity.So, this poem is kinda based on my personal experiences. Dreams may differ from person to person. To some it may be wonderland sojourns and to some nightmares.... Newaz , I personally liked it very much.
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